Leituras de Fevereiro / February Reads

Just like last month, I read three books in Febr uary: TheWonderful Adventures of Nils by Swedish Selma Lagerlöf (I read the Portuguese version called A Viagem Maravilhosa de Nils Holgersson): this is a classic children's book that I've been wanting to read for a long time. It was fun to use Googlemaps to follow the wild geese and Nils travel across Sweden, as all the sites described in the book are real. In fact, Selma Lagerlöf wrote this book with an educational purpose, but instead of being tedious or preaching, it is a joy to read. And more than a trip in the literal sense, the story is also an inner journey: the growth of a spoiled and lazy boy who learn s with his wild companions the value of work and loyalty and how vital they are for the survival of the group – and his own . Tempo de Mudança by Portuguese António Barreto (there is no translation of this book that I know of): this is a non- fiction book ...