Blood Diamonds: Corruption and Torture in Angola / Diamantes de Sangue: Corrupção e Tortura em Angola

Today, less than a week after receiving a campaigning journalism award in London, begins the trial of Rafael Marques de Morais in Angola on charges of criminal defamation. The trial follows claims made in his book Blood Diamonds: Corruption and Torture in Angola (Portuguese version downloadable for free here ), which detailed hundreds of killings and torture cases carried out by security guards and members of the Angolan army against local people and small-scale miners in the diamond fields of the Angolan Cuango region. Shortly after publishing the book, Marques filed a lawsuit in Angola against nine Angolan army generals, accusing them of crimes against humanity. He alleged that the generals and company directors were complicit because they were reaping great profits from blood diamonds but doing nothing to stop the violence. In response, the corporations filed their own lawsuit against Marques in Portugal, Angola’s former colonial ruler and the place where the book was publ...